Stream Appearances

Girls Run These Worlds

Cryptid Creeks: The Coldwater Curse

Sponsored by Hatchling Games, I was honored to GM this two-part oneshot showcasing the new system, Cryptid Creeks.

Under Hollow Hills

A Big Gay Oneshot ran by Kat the Loremistress. My character was the oddball ringleader and mildly grubby performer, Tonky the Boondoggle Hobb!

Alien: Chariot of the Gods

Sponsored by Free League and hosted by Fiona Howatt, I got to die horribly in space as Kayla Rye, then escape (barely) as Captain Bolaji!

Sapphic Slumber Party

Super gay oneshot facillitated by Cassi Mothwin. I played a Faun wallflower with hidden passions.

The Tillyvale Committee

5e British murder mystery written and GM'd by Yvris Burke. I got to live out my Dwarf Barbarian dreams.

Hoard of Tales

Orbital Blues - Wicked Little Town

For HoT's Women in Gaming Month, I got to run an hysterical one shot of Sad Space Cowboys, family feuds and over the top dramatics.

Kat the Loremistress

Blood Yule - O Gory Night

Festive horror oneshot using Bar the Windows, Bolt the Doors and its expansion Blood Yule. A hockey team are terrorised by a mountain town's cultish residents.